Clan Grant Society (Australia)

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Clan Grant Society (Australia)

The Society provides across a broad continent Clanship, with the Clan Society origins arising from Melbourne, Victoria due to the highest representation of members living in that City .  Quarterly meetings and gatherings were held for the AGM and Christmas period, however despite best attempts an ageing membership and the tyranny of distance and cost these gatherings and meetings have become less frequent.

Participation in community heritage or Highland Gatherings/Games events with the Clan Grant Tent is encouraged and Clan updates are provided through Newsletters.  Membership of the Clan is a modest $15.00 for individuals and $20.00 for families. The current Clan Society office bearers are as follows:

NOTE : Initial enquiries should be directed to Mr Brian Noble by email at

President/Treasurer : Bryan Grant
Telephone 03 9807 5795

Hon. Secretary : Diane Grant
Telephone 03 9808 5015

Membership/Ancestry : Brian Noble
Telephone : 03 98502849  

Newsletter : Merv Grant 
Telephone : 07 5445 6121

Clan Tent/Social Events : Barry Grant
Telephone : 03 9783 1361

Web Master: Troy Grant e: